
Lunch on the Dorset Queen

Post by:

Andy Brown

Lunch, Celebration

2019 Lunch on the Dorset Queen

Please forgive my lapse in posting this in anything remotely resembling a timely fashion. It’s been a busy 17 months since this treat, and how we all long for another such occasion to come again swiftly!

Looking back to July 2019, we celebrated another year in business by thanking over 20 of our colleagues and partners who we have enjoyed being alongside us.

We took a few hours away from desks and screens to board the Dorset Queen on a perfectly sunny day and enjoyed a trip around Poole harbour.

As well as enjoying the beautiful scenery, we treated ourselves to Fish and Chips on board, sweat treats prepared by Heather and a fully stocked bar.

For the first time in 5 years, we didn’t host a lunch in Summer 2020, preferring to take a more cautious approach in light of the global Covid-19 pandemic. We hope to be back together again in 2021 – watch this space!

Thanks to Heather Brown and Annie Talboys for these photos.

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Post by:

Andy Brown